Energy Systems Engineer of Cooling Singapore

Mathias Niffeler is an energy systems engineer at SEC and responsible for district cooling systems modelling within the Cooling Singapore project. He is currently developing an optimization model that will allow future users of the Digital Urban Climate Twin (DUCT) to quickly analyze the potential for district cooling systems in Singapore.

Mathias has been working as a scientist in energy systems design and modelling since 2018 after receiving his MSc degree in energy science and technologies. Believing automated planning is one of the keys to a wide spread application of renewable energy system, Mathias has been focusing on tool- and software development for all levels of expertise in recent years. His latest contributions have been to the open-source software City Energy Analyst (CEA).


  • 2015-2018, MSc in Energy Science and Technologies, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • 2013-2014, Erasmus Exchange in Mechanical Engineering, TU Munich, Germany
  • 2011-2014, BSc in Mechanical Engineering, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland


View Mathias' publications external page here.

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