Black Soldier Fly project creates a buzz at the IFW Conference 2024
SEC’s Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Project co-organised and presented their research at the international Insects to Feed the World (IFW 2024) Conference on 19-22 June in Singapore.
Researchers from SEC’s Black Soldier Flies (BSF) Project, an NRF-funded project by SEC and the National University of Singapore (NUS), co-organised and presented their latest research at Insects to Feed the World (IFW 2024) Conference, held in Singapore on 19-22 June.
Both Dr Moritz Gold and Adrian Fuhrmann chaired the Scientific Committee of IFW 2024, which assesses scientific submissions and presentations for the conference.

In addition, researchers of the project showcased their work at the conference:
- external page Asst Prof. Dr Nalini Puniamoorthy, Principal Investigator of the BSF project from NUS, gave a keynote speech on ‘Insect reproductive evolution: From biological diversification to sustainable solutions’.
- Dr Moritz Gold examined the effect of Black Soldier Fly larvae consuming plastics during the biowaste management and feed & fertilizer production.
- Adrian Fuhrmann presented his research on temperature and CO2 emission patterns in black soldier fly larvae bioconversion, indicating ways to better control the efficiency and heat generation in the bioconversion process.
- Niraly Mangal made two presentations. The first studied Singapore resident communities’ perceptions and expectations of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Food Waste Bioconversion Facilities (BFWs) and suggestions to strategically locate them. She also talked about an integrated framework for circular bioeconomy of decentralised BBFs for dense cities.

The IFW2024 conference is the premier conference for the Insects as Feed and Food sector, with 270 scientific talks and poster presentations. The international event brought together researchers and industry professionals from around the world to exchange ideas and the latest advancements in the field of insects for feed and food.

The BSF project under the Sustainable Food Processing (SFP) group, is led by the National University of Singapore (NUS) and SEC in collaboration with ETH Zürich and Nanyang Technological University. The project aims to integrate food waste management and sustainable food production in urban settings like Singapore using black soldier fly larvae.
The Sustainable Food Processing (SFP) group under Prof. Dr. Alexander Mathys, based at ETH Zurich and SEC, focuses on system-oriented approaches in food production, considering societal needs and environmental impacts.
For more information on the BSF project and SFP publications, visit this link.