Cooling Singapore on ARD TV and TRT World
In December 2023, Cooling Singapore's work was featured in two video news reports on Germany's ARD TV and Turkiye's TRT World.
The Cooling Singapore team were featured in two news reports over the month of December 2023. Both these reports interviewed researchers on urban intervention strategies and technological solutions on keeping Singapore cool in the face of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect and climate change.
The first feature on 3 December by Germany's public broadcaster external page ARD TV focused on Cooling Singapore's work on the soon-to-be completed Digital Urban Climate Twin (DUCT). Project Manager Ander Zozaya and Climate Modeller Wong Minn Linn explained how some features of the DUCT - such as its ability to compare and contrast temperatures over time in Singapore at a whole-city scale - can help urban planners make decisions of climate-conscious development for Singapore's future.
Watch the feature in German on ARD TV here (at the 06:23 – 07:02 mark):
On 10 December, Cooling Singapore was part of a Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) World report in English about novel methods Singapore is adopting to reduce urban heat. Ander Zozaya shared about the risks of the UHI effect in urban areas, before delving into strategies being employed.
This video report was part of the network's ongoing coverage of climate and urban heat issues in the backdrop of the COP28 UN Climate Change Conference from 30 November 2023 to 12 December 2023
Watch Cooling Singapore on TRT World here: