Presentation of funding instruments at the Leading House Asia ETH Zurich

Funding Instruments at the Leading House Asia  ETH Zurich ETH Zurich as Leading House Asia is responsible for the promotion of collaboration in science and technology with the East and Southeast Asia region and offers different funding instruments to researchers (postdocs, senior scientists, professors). 

by Barathan Kandasamy
Leading House Asia
Leading House Asia ETH Zurich

Mandated by Switzerland's State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), ETH Zurich as Leading House Asia is responsible for the promotion of collaboration in science and technology with the East and Southeast Asia region for the funding period 2021–2024. The Leading House Asia offers different funding instruments to researchers (postdocs, senior scientists, professors) from all Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education, and public research institutes, in all research fields.

This presentation gives an overview of the various Leading House instruments and the opportunities for all SEC members to participate in the funding opportunities.

Talk is conducted by Robin Vital from ETH Zurich

Date : 1st March 2023

Time : 3pm (Singapore time)

Location : Illumination Room, Level 12, CREATE Tower, 1 Create Way, Singapore 138602

Register external page here for the talk.

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