CREATE Webinar: Urban Microalgae-Based Food Production
25 Mar | Prof Alexander Mathys will speak on the SEC Microalgae project's aims to deliver affordable, palatable, and nutritious microalgae-based food products to market.

Professor Alexander Mathys, Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Sustainable Food Processing at ETH Zurich and co-Principal Investigator of SEC's Urban Microalgae-Based Protein Production project, will be speaking on Microalgae research at the first CREATE Webinar of the year on Friday, 25 March.
Webinar Abstract
Singapore targets increasing its domestic, independent food supply under urbanized constraints by 30% until 2030. This proposed research aims to enable resilient, urban food/protein supply by enhancing bright yellow microalgae cultivation and processing efficiency:
- Establish a state-of-the-art urban microalgae food production platform enabling resilient food production. Using nutrients from non-toxic food processing side-streams improves supply-chain sustainability and decreases costs.
- Innovate supply-chain eco-efficiency by pulsed electric field-based microalgae production efficiency enhancement to produce affordable, high-quality food ingredients.
- Build an R&D platform for the of meat alternatives by extrusion and 3D-printing to produce nutritious foods tailored towards Singaporean consumers.
- Understand the Singaporean consumers’ preferences and needs related to innovative microalgae-based food products.
The proposed research aims to deliver affordable, palatable, and nutritious microalgae-based food products to the market. This research is currently the focus of a joint project between NRF, SEC, ETH, NUS, and A*STAR, with key industry partners.
Questions about Microalgae? Ask them here: external page
Event Details
Webinar title: “Urban Microalgae-Based Food Production”
Date: Friday, 25 March
Time: 4-5pm
Zoom link: external page
About the CREATE Webinar
The CREATE Webinar series is a monthly online webinar series among the research entities in the Campus for Research Excellence And Technological Enterprise (CREATE), an international research campus and innovation hub. The webinar aims to introduce cutting-edge research and encourage collaboration among scientific peers.