Leadership transition at Singapore-ETH Centre
Prof Peter Edwards steps down from his role as director of the Singapore-ETH Centre and hands over leadership of the centre to Prof Gerhard Schmitt on 1 October 2017.
Em Prof Ulrich Suter named Singapore's honarary citizen
14 Aug | Prof Suter was conferred the Honorary Citizen Award of Singapore by President Tony Tan for helping to develop Singapore into a vibrant R&D hub.
The City as a Classroom
18 July | Cities can learn from one another’s experiences, said Professor Peter Edwards, Director of Singapore-ETH Centre at the Commonwealth Science Conference 2017.
Future of Science, Technology and Policy seminar
10-14 Jul | Singapore-ETH Centre partners SMART, NUS and SUTD in the seminar themed Smart City to explore the intersection of science, technology and policy.
First Cooling Singapore workshop
03 Jul | The first Cooling Singapore workshop brought together agencies and researchers to explore various mitigation strategies for tackling the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect.